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Scalable content using Gen-AI

AI lip-sync video translation


Rompa Group, a global plastic injection mold company, faced a challenge in communicating their year-end interview to employees worldwide in multiple languages. Using AI technology, we provided a seamless, fully translated and lip-synced video solution.


Rompa Group struggled to communicate their year-end interview to a diverse, global workforce speaking various languages. Their previous method, relying solely on subtitles, was time-consuming and left employees feeling disconnected from the content.

The language barrier hindered Rompa Group’s ability to engage with their employees, leading to reduced connection and understanding. With a global workforce, the need for an efficient and relatable communication method was crucial to maintain employee engagement and convey important messages effectively.

How to make internal content more accessible

We recognized that Rompa Group needed a streamlined, innovative approach to translate and present their year-end interview in a way that felt natural and engaging to all employees, regardless of their native language. The goal was to enhance the viewing experience beyond just reading subtitles.

Description of the Solution Leveraging advanced AI tools such as HeyGen, ChatGPT, and Whisper, we developed a solution that fully translated the interview into multiple languages with precise lip-syncing. This ensured the translated video looked and felt like it was originally recorded in the target languages. Additionally, we automated subtitle generation, further simplifying the production process. The stellar performance of the AI in translation required only minimal manual adjustment, ensuring efficiency and high-quality output.

Enhanced Communication and Engagement

The solution provided a more natural and engaging video for Rompa Group’s global workforce, allowing employees to feel more connected to the content. This approach significantly improved the effectiveness of their internal communications.

the new process was not only more efficient but also produced higher quality results compared to the old method. The automation and advanced AI tools reduced production time and effort, ensuring a more streamlined and cost-effective solution.
